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Donald Trump roasts Joe Biden’s State of the Union address in Truth Social

Tonight former President Donald Trump provided a running commentary mocking President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Truth Social.
Despite technical difficulties, Trump did not hold back, delivering real-time reactions to Biden’s speech.
The Biden campaign responded to Trump’s Truth Social “rapid response” to the State of the Union, which experienced a brief outage, with a succinct one-word statement: “Sad.”, with a screenshot that appeared to capture Trump’s Truth Social page buffering.
Following Biden’s address, Senator Katie Britt, lauded by Trump as a “fearless America First warrior,” delivered the GOP’s official response. Her remarks, however, were met with online ridicule and left many puzzled due to the tone and style of her delivery.
ALSO READ| Marjorie Taylor Greene slams Biden for ‘disrespecting’ Laken Riley during SOTU address
However, Trump extended congratulations to Britt on her response, asserting that she provided a “great contrast” to an “angry” president.
Trump’s posts also included exclamations like “Trump derangement syndrome!”
